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2021 美國留學vs疫苗免費注射
2021/4月底起美國政府宣布在美國境內16歲以上的成人(不論在美的身分: 不論是移民, 或是持F1學生簽證的學生和其家屬, 或甚至暫時居住的旅客), 且不管有無醫療保險, 都可以免費施打新冠疫苗
對在美國境內的留學生, 這當然是個很好的消息 ~ 今年九月後要前往美國的留學生, 應該也是多了一層保障
甚至要施打哪種疫苗或取得更多訊息, 都可點選這個網站
On 27 April, U.S. President Joe Biden announced that 215 million COVID-19 vaccinations have been administered in the U.S. since his inauguration this year. With the increased rollout of vaccines, students have access to vaccinations while maintaining a focus on safety and wellbeing.
As of April 2021, adults ages 16 and older are eligible for the vaccine across the USA. The U.S. government is providing the COVID-19 vaccine at no cost to all people living in the USA, regardless of immigration or health insurance status. Learn more about the U.S. vaccinations by visiting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.