遊學英文 每日一句:寄宿家庭(生活溝通篇 Part II)
Q:我要去睡了, 晚安!
A:I'm off to bed. Good night.
Q:我去上課了, 晚上見
A:I am off to school. See you tonight.
A:Excuse me, but how do I get to the school?
Q: 請告知我最近的巴士站在哪兒 & 是要搭去學校的!
A:Please tell me the nearest bus stop to the school.
A:Which bus service number should I take to the school?
A: Can I invite my friend to your place.
Q:我朋友要從台灣來找我, 她可以和我住一週嗎?
A:My friend is coming to visit for a week. Can she stay with me?
Q: 我想要繼續住在這裡,我該如何付費用呢?
A:I would like to stay here longer, and how would you like me to pay you?
A:I don't feel well and need to see a doctor.
Q:我皮膚過敏, 請幫我預約看醫生
A:I think I have skin allergies problem. Pls help me make an appointment with a doctor.
A:Would you mind reducing the volume of the television set?
Q:我房內的燈泡壞了,幫我換一下 & 謝謝
A:The light bulb in my room is broken. Can you fix it? Thanks!
A:Smoking is allowed outside only and not inside the home.
Q:我的房間有點吵, 想換房間, 因為我又睡的很淺!
A:My room is a bit noisy. Can I change the room? I'm a light sleeper!