遊學英文 每日一句:與校溝通篇 Part II
Q:我要換班升級, 這班太簡單
A:I want to move up one level. My class is too simple for me.
Q:我下期要轉學, 請給我轉學單(適用於美國)
A:I want to transfer to another school next session. Please give me the transfer form.
Q:我今天不舒服, 想請病假
A:I don't feel well today and want to take a sick leave.
Q:我要請假二週, 所以課程要遞延 (適用於 "朋友來訪,需請假延課")
A:I need to take a holiday for 2 weeks. Thus, the course will be extended.
Q:房租包水電嗎? (宿舍篇)
A:Does the weekly room rate include utilities?
A:Do you have conin-operated laundry facilities?
A:How much is it per load?
A:I want to find a share flat near the school.
Q:我不能上網, 可以幫忙看一下嗎? (宿舍溝通篇)
A:I can't access the internet. Can I trouble you to help?
A:Can I work on my student visa?
Q:我要報名本週末活動 (通常: 週末學校會安排一日遊活動)
A:I want to sign up this weekend's activity.
Q:我要付這筆帳單 & 請給我收據 (適用延課程, 或課程轉換, 或延住宿等情況)
A:I want to pay this invoice and please also give me the receipt.
A:I don't need to buy insurance. Here is my insurance proof.