遊學英文 每日一句:日常生活銀行篇
A:I'm a student and need to open a bank account.
Q:請問去哪兒可以找到 ATM 機器領錢?
A:Where can I find the ATM machine to withdraw money?
Q:如果我需要更改郵遞住址等, 怎麼做?銀行開戶但需更改個資?
A:How do I change address and contact details with you?
A:When can I receive my debit card?
Q:我每領一次錢, 手續費怎麼算?
A:How much is the bank fee every time I withdraw the money?
A:I would like to deposit this bank draft.
A:How long does it take to cash this bank draft?
A:Is there any cost involved?
Q:我金融卡遺失了! 怎麼辦?
A:I lost my debit card. What to do?
Q:我需要和你們要求銀行月結單嗎? (開戶時詢問, 國外銀行沒有存簿, 只有每月對帳單)
A:Do I need to order statements?